Friday, January 30, 2009
character development
Throughout the book Matt Bardoul changed from an innocent roamer to a hero. He always stuck to what he thought was right and was an honest man. One big change for him by the end of the book was getting the love of his life. Throughout the story he experienced many hard fought fights in the West.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
My book takes place in the forest where everything is wild and unknown. The main character Matt Bardoul, starts as a innocent embarking on a journey. He was just living the free life roaming the West, when he met the girl of his dreams. He then became committed to her and began his journey. When trouble came he changed into a hero and saved many people while putting his own life on the line. The plot is a journey and Matt takes the journey throughout the book. It is a journey on a wagon train in search of "gold".
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Book Setting
In Westward the Tide, the setting takes place in the wild wild west. There are many unknown factors for the people and no one knows what danger they will face next. Indians are scattered through the forests and so are many other wild things.
Friday, January 23, 2009
200-the end update
200-the end update
When Matt came on a deep canyon he heard the sound of axes. He looked around and saw that Massey had began to build a few buildings. The more straight men were being forced to do all or the work, while all the women were being forced into one building. There was little to no way for Matt to get down there so he walked around to where everyone was cutting trees down for the buildings. Here he saw a few guards one of them being Portugee Phillips. Phillips was a good but hard man. When Matt gave the call of a loon out so the workers knew he was there, Phillips heard it and snuck up to him and said he'd help . By the time they were done almost every honest man had a gun and every yellow bellied crook was dead other than MASSEY. Massey threatened to take Jacquine, but Matt knew he'd kill her so he said they, alone, could settle it. Massey came up short and died because he was too slow. Matt and Jacquine got together and everything fell into place as it should have. The End
When Matt came on a deep canyon he heard the sound of axes. He looked around and saw that Massey had began to build a few buildings. The more straight men were being forced to do all or the work, while all the women were being forced into one building. There was little to no way for Matt to get down there so he walked around to where everyone was cutting trees down for the buildings. Here he saw a few guards one of them being Portugee Phillips. Phillips was a good but hard man. When Matt gave the call of a loon out so the workers knew he was there, Phillips heard it and snuck up to him and said he'd help . By the time they were done almost every honest man had a gun and every yellow bellied crook was dead other than MASSEY. Massey threatened to take Jacquine, but Matt knew he'd kill her so he said they, alone, could settle it. Massey came up short and died because he was too slow. Matt and Jacquine got together and everything fell into place as it should have. The End
150-200 page update
150-200 page update
Before leaving on the wagon train again Matt lost the trust of a lot of his friends due to a rumor going around that Matt was truly Sim Boyne. This wasn't true and Matt made most people believe that it wasn't. After about a day or two of traveling, Matt and everyone else noticed that their ammunition was stolen! This made Matt believe that what he thought was going to happen, was indeed probably going to. To help the situation out Matt had another meeting with his trusted friends and midway through they noticed there was someone listening in on them. That night Matt went over to Massey's wagons and stole some ammunition back. By now people knew that he was a Deputy Marshall and he was not a good person or an easy person to kill. Matt was starting to get back where he was with Jacquine and they kind of knew they both had feelings for one another. On a day where the rain came down so hard you could barely see, Matt got jumped and shot twice. He woke up later finding he got shot in the head and in the side. The bullet only grazed his skull. He was very weak and could barely move one hundred feet without falling. When he got to some brush he looked back on his trail and saw three Indians. They left, but later one of them came back. Matt had to kill him and eventually did even though he also got cut. Matt didn't have his guns cause Massey took them off of him when they thought he was dead. Bardoul took the Indian's horse for a while but eventually it spooked and he got bucked off. Matt was now living off of berries. When he went hunting with the bow he had from the Indian he killed he came upon his horse and three more Indians. His dun came right up to him and he pulled his Winchester out of its scabbard and shot two of the Indians. In his saddlebags Matt had food and ammunition. It was all that he needed. He came upon a fort with his horse where he got helped by a army surgeon that bandaged him up. Matt tried to get some troops to go with him but the general wouldn't allow it because he had no way to prove he was a Deputy Marshall due to the fact that Massey took his papers. Matt was in a hurry so he left after a short stay and got back on the wagon train's trail. Here he found dead people scattered throughout.
Before leaving on the wagon train again Matt lost the trust of a lot of his friends due to a rumor going around that Matt was truly Sim Boyne. This wasn't true and Matt made most people believe that it wasn't. After about a day or two of traveling, Matt and everyone else noticed that their ammunition was stolen! This made Matt believe that what he thought was going to happen, was indeed probably going to. To help the situation out Matt had another meeting with his trusted friends and midway through they noticed there was someone listening in on them. That night Matt went over to Massey's wagons and stole some ammunition back. By now people knew that he was a Deputy Marshall and he was not a good person or an easy person to kill. Matt was starting to get back where he was with Jacquine and they kind of knew they both had feelings for one another. On a day where the rain came down so hard you could barely see, Matt got jumped and shot twice. He woke up later finding he got shot in the head and in the side. The bullet only grazed his skull. He was very weak and could barely move one hundred feet without falling. When he got to some brush he looked back on his trail and saw three Indians. They left, but later one of them came back. Matt had to kill him and eventually did even though he also got cut. Matt didn't have his guns cause Massey took them off of him when they thought he was dead. Bardoul took the Indian's horse for a while but eventually it spooked and he got bucked off. Matt was now living off of berries. When he went hunting with the bow he had from the Indian he killed he came upon his horse and three more Indians. His dun came right up to him and he pulled his Winchester out of its scabbard and shot two of the Indians. In his saddlebags Matt had food and ammunition. It was all that he needed. He came upon a fort with his horse where he got helped by a army surgeon that bandaged him up. Matt tried to get some troops to go with him but the general wouldn't allow it because he had no way to prove he was a Deputy Marshall due to the fact that Massey took his papers. Matt was in a hurry so he left after a short stay and got back on the wagon train's trail. Here he found dead people scattered throughout.
100-150 page update
100-150 page update
When Matt came up with the idea that Massey was going to take over the wagon train he got a few honest men and told him what he thought. They were very sincere and took the idea seriously. It was a good plan because if Massey was able to take over the wagon train he'd have over three thousand dollars worth of supplies. The more Matt thought the more he knew the plan would happen but he also knew it wouldn't happen too soon because they were nearing Fort C.F. Smith. On the way to the fort Matt had helped the wagon train through many different difficulties. Upon arriving at the Fort Matt came to learn that he was a Deputy Marshall. This was good and bad but at least this way he couldn't be overpowered by Clive Massey and his crew. That night there was a dance and Matt danced with Jacquine. Near the middle of the dance Matt kissed Jacquine and she left abruptly. The next day Massey told Bardoul to stay at the fort and not continue on the wagon train. His reasoning was that he didn't want to see him force himself on anyone else throughout the trip. This pissed Matt off and him and Massey were fighting soon after. At the beginning it looked as if Matt was gonna get beat pretty bad but he came back and almost killed Clive.
When Matt came up with the idea that Massey was going to take over the wagon train he got a few honest men and told him what he thought. They were very sincere and took the idea seriously. It was a good plan because if Massey was able to take over the wagon train he'd have over three thousand dollars worth of supplies. The more Matt thought the more he knew the plan would happen but he also knew it wouldn't happen too soon because they were nearing Fort C.F. Smith. On the way to the fort Matt had helped the wagon train through many different difficulties. Upon arriving at the Fort Matt came to learn that he was a Deputy Marshall. This was good and bad but at least this way he couldn't be overpowered by Clive Massey and his crew. That night there was a dance and Matt danced with Jacquine. Near the middle of the dance Matt kissed Jacquine and she left abruptly. The next day Massey told Bardoul to stay at the fort and not continue on the wagon train. His reasoning was that he didn't want to see him force himself on anyone else throughout the trip. This pissed Matt off and him and Massey were fighting soon after. At the beginning it looked as if Matt was gonna get beat pretty bad but he came back and almost killed Clive.
50-100 page update
50-100 page update
After the wagon train got going Matt suspected something fishy. He knew an honest man when he saw one and he also knew a yellow bellied fool when he saw one. Clive Massey and his crew were by no means straight in their ways. Soon Matt learned that Coyle had put Massey in charge of keeping the law on the wagon train. One night a scream was heard and everyone ran to where it came from and saw a girl with a ripped shirt and Abel Bain, one of Masssey's officers. First thing Bardoul did was beat the living daylights out of Bain and then Clive Massey came with a gun in his hand prepared to arrest Matt. There were too many people that knew Bain was in the wrong for them to do anything to Matt. So, Bain was arrested. He escaped through the night and went on to try and kill Matt. Although Abel died this was the beginning of a lot of trouble coming for the wagon train. After a couple days on the trail the wagon train split up into four companies and Bardoul was voted leader of his. Him and Jacquine were beginning to get closer while Massey was also becoming very friendly with her. This angered Matt but he didn't let it get to him. Matt noticed that everyone in Massey's company all had very light wagon loads and this made him think. Finally he came up with the idea that Massey and his boys were planning to take over the wagon train! But whether it be true or not he didn't no.
After the wagon train got going Matt suspected something fishy. He knew an honest man when he saw one and he also knew a yellow bellied fool when he saw one. Clive Massey and his crew were by no means straight in their ways. Soon Matt learned that Coyle had put Massey in charge of keeping the law on the wagon train. One night a scream was heard and everyone ran to where it came from and saw a girl with a ripped shirt and Abel Bain, one of Masssey's officers. First thing Bardoul did was beat the living daylights out of Bain and then Clive Massey came with a gun in his hand prepared to arrest Matt. There were too many people that knew Bain was in the wrong for them to do anything to Matt. So, Bain was arrested. He escaped through the night and went on to try and kill Matt. Although Abel died this was the beginning of a lot of trouble coming for the wagon train. After a couple days on the trail the wagon train split up into four companies and Bardoul was voted leader of his. Him and Jacquine were beginning to get closer while Massey was also becoming very friendly with her. This angered Matt but he didn't let it get to him. Matt noticed that everyone in Massey's company all had very light wagon loads and this made him think. Finally he came up with the idea that Massey and his boys were planning to take over the wagon train! But whether it be true or not he didn't no.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Reading History
Our teacher has asked me to share my reading history with you for our English class. Although I really never have got into books, i have been forced to read them and have learned to like SOME of them. The hardest part of reading for me is taking the time out of my day to read when i could be doing something like hunting, horn hunting, hanging out, or playing football. I used to think doing anything was better than reading. When i read , for the most part, i only read Louis L'Amour books because I'm able to get into them and keep reading. Reading is fun when you get into a book.
One of my favorite books is Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy. It shows how you can be through anything and keep going through life. He is an inspiration to most and a class act christian man. One of my least favorite books would have to be Fahrenheit 451. it was a little over the top. Some books I've read are: Quiet Strength, Westward the Tide, Hatchet, The Scarlet Letter, Fahrenheit 451, Huckleberry Finn, Lamb To Slaughter, Enders Game, and a bunch more i cant remember. When i read i have to be in a quiet room where i can concentrate on what the words mean. Reading can be good, do not not (sorry for the double negative) do it just because people think it isn't "cool".
One of my favorite books is Quiet Strength by Tony Dungy. It shows how you can be through anything and keep going through life. He is an inspiration to most and a class act christian man. One of my least favorite books would have to be Fahrenheit 451. it was a little over the top. Some books I've read are: Quiet Strength, Westward the Tide, Hatchet, The Scarlet Letter, Fahrenheit 451, Huckleberry Finn, Lamb To Slaughter, Enders Game, and a bunch more i cant remember. When i read i have to be in a quiet room where i can concentrate on what the words mean. Reading can be good, do not not (sorry for the double negative) do it just because people think it isn't "cool".
the Louis L'Amour Biography link to the right gives you a little back round information on Louis L'Amour. I [picked this one because its always nice to know about the person that wrote the book you're reading.
The Louis L'Amour link to the left was done by The Internet Trading post and it gives you a very short overview of the book Westward The Tide. It also tells you where you can get this book and others by L'Amour.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Westward The Tide 50 page update
L'Amour Westward The Tide
Louis L'Amour
Westward The Tide
February 1977
50 page update
Matt Bardoul, the main character in this book is introduced as a tall, tough roamer of the West. Matt was known by many people as a great hunter and an honest man that is quick with a gun. Bardoul roamed into the town of Deadwood, following a wagon train for protection from Indians, where many things were happening. When he got there he met a good friend of his named Buffalo Murphy. He also saw what was about to change his life, the woman of his dreams. He went on to learn that she was going on a wagon train to the Big Horn in search of gold. Her name was Jaquine Doyle and Matt went on to learn that her dad was going to lead the wagon train. Although the train was only going to allow a select number of people they chose, Matt had friends that allowed for him to go. Many people were disappointed that he was going and Matt had enemies from the beginning, his biggest being Clive Massey. Before starting to the Big Horns Clive paid a man named Spinner Johns to kill Bardoul. Bardoul made him look like a fool and this made Massey even angrier.
Louis L'Amour
Westward The Tide
February 1977
50 page update
Matt Bardoul, the main character in this book is introduced as a tall, tough roamer of the West. Matt was known by many people as a great hunter and an honest man that is quick with a gun. Bardoul roamed into the town of Deadwood, following a wagon train for protection from Indians, where many things were happening. When he got there he met a good friend of his named Buffalo Murphy. He also saw what was about to change his life, the woman of his dreams. He went on to learn that she was going on a wagon train to the Big Horn in search of gold. Her name was Jaquine Doyle and Matt went on to learn that her dad was going to lead the wagon train. Although the train was only going to allow a select number of people they chose, Matt had friends that allowed for him to go. Many people were disappointed that he was going and Matt had enemies from the beginning, his biggest being Clive Massey. Before starting to the Big Horns Clive paid a man named Spinner Johns to kill Bardoul. Bardoul made him look like a fool and this made Massey even angrier.
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